What Your Wallet Can Expect from Your Next Accounting Job
Vincent Benjamin

Are you in the market for your next financial or accounting opportunity? There are so many things to keep in mind when searching for your next job. You need to think about where you want to live and what kind of benefits and work/life balance a company offers. And, of course, you need to consider the salary. How do you know if a salary is competitive? Here are some tools you can use to conduct your own research and determine what works best for you.

  • Salary.com and GlassDoor. Two of the most reliable resources available online today for up to date salary information are Salary.com and GlassDoor. Simply enter the job title and location and it will provide the median salary information. For example, according to Salary.com a Senior Accountant in Phoenix Arizona can expect a median annual salary of around $67,000. It will also provide low and high end salary ranges to review.
  • Your walk-away number. Before entering into negotiations determine your walk-away number. Based on your salary history, the cost of living in your area, and the average salaries your research has suggested you can determine the lowest salary amount you would accept. When asked about your salary requirements provide a top end number but know that as the company negotiates the lowest you will accept is just above your walk-away number. If their final offer is below your walk away number, move on to another opportunity.
  • How to value benefits. Of course, part of the package for your job should include a number of different benefits. Some benefits, such as social security, have a fixed calculation based on your salary but others are more flexible based on your negotiations. These perks can include personal time off, 401K and even healthcare. Salary.com shows a graph of the expected benefits for your job title and location which you can use as a starting point for any discussions.
  • Work with a recruiter. One of the best tools for job seekers is working with a recruiter to negotiate on your behalf. A recruiter not only has access to companies and jobs that may not be available to you otherwise but they are also an excellent source for this type of data and can negotiate salary and benefit information on your behalf.

Are you in the market for your next accounting career move? The expert recruiters at VincentBenjamin specialize in finance and accounting placements in Los Angeles and Orange County California, Phoenix Arizona, and Denver Colorado. Contact us today!

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