The Truth About IT: Top 4 Career Myths
Vincent Benjamin

Are you considering a career in information technology? Maybe you’re in college figuring out your major, or maybe you’ve been in the workforce but are looking to learn new skills and make a change. Before you take another step, it is important that you understand the biggest misconceptions about the IT industry. Let’s take a quick look.

  1. You’ll be rolling in money. No job is a fast track to fame and fortune. Every person who enters an IT job will have to work their way up and prove they are capable before they can make it to the next level of career development. IT can be lucrative, but only if you work hard to make that happen. There is simply no magic bullet.
  2. It will always be exciting. By the same token, many people entering the profession assume that IT is always as exciting as portrayed in hacker movies. In reality, there are plenty of mundane tasks that need to be performed every day. The best way to position yourself in something you love is to determine a specialization that really interests you and follow that path.
  3. It’s only for math and science nerds. So many people believe that technology is only comprehensible by geeks who were in the chess club or were bullied in school. But, this is patently incorrect. There are many aspects of a career in IT and project managers, sales engineers, and other roles rely less on math and science and more on a diversity of skills.
  4. It’ll be easy to get a job. On the other hand, it is also important to know that even though the job market is big, it isn’t a slam dunk. You will still have stiff competition for IT positions so it is imperative that you study hard, continue your education, and offer ways to help potential employers solve pressing problems.

Do you feel prepared for your entrance into the world of information technology? The IT recruiters at VincentBenjamin can help you find your next IT job! We have locations in Phoenix, Denver, Los Angeles and Orange County

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