Top 5 IT Jobs for 2017
Vincent Benjamin

Are you ready to start looking for a new IT job or start a new career in the New Year? So, what is hot in information technology for 2017? If you’re considering a change of scenery or just ideas to boost your current career and education, here are some of the areas in technology you may want to consider.

  1. Information security. With Big Data on the rise and companies looking to secure information from for themselves as their clients, Infosec is a top industry to consider for 2017. Specializations include Information Security Administrator, Systems or Application Security Analyst, and Information Security Manager. Most of these roles will pay over $100,000 annually with experience.
  2. Information analysis. With Big Data also comes the needs to analyze information, not just protect it. Analysts with technology backgrounds will be in high demand next year. Look at positions such as Change Management Specialist, and both entry level and senior Applications Systems Analyst roles. An entry level role can start around $60,000 per year while the senior level position can pay around $120,000.
  3. Project management and managed services. 2017 is also looking like a big year for project management and managed services roles within IT. Business Process Consultants can make an average of $109,000 annually. Entry level IT Project Managers can still make over 6 figures if they bring information technology experience to the table, and senior level managers can expect more. Project management is a good next step for someone who has been working in technology and is interested in more responsibility.
  4. Health IT. It’s no wonder that healthcare and technology are interconnected in today’s modern world. With changes in the medical industry coming fast and furiously, many doctors and hospitals are working hard to keep up with requirements. 2017 will see a need for Ambulatory and Clinical systems analysts as well as Health Information Management project managers.
  5. Database administration. Another aspect of IT that is growing slowly, but still growing, is database administration. Big Data Engineers or Architects will be sought after in 2017. Data Scientists and Database Administrators will be necessary roles to fill as well. A Data Scientist can expect to make an average of $115,000 per year.

Are you looking for a position in IT this coming year? We have IT recruiters located in Phoenix, Orange County, Los Angeles and Denver, so call us now! 

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