3 Ways to Make Your Job Descriptions More Inclusive
Vincent Benjamin

Often, your job descriptions are a major part of the first impression you make on a candidate. If you want to cultivate a diverse talent pool, making them as inclusive as possible is essential. Otherwise, if your job ad doesn’t make a candidate feel welcome, they may bypass your opportunity entirely.  

While it may seem like creating inclusive job descriptions is a challenge, it can actually be quite simple. If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are three easy ways to get started. 

1. Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns

One of the fastest adjustments you can make to your job descriptions to make them more inclusive is to remove all gendered pronouns and replace them with gender-neutral alternatives. Usually, all you need to do is replace certain words with others. For example, change any references to “he” or “she” with “they.”  

By removing he/she, him/her, and his/hers with they/them/their, you’re using a neutral approach. Plus, current using they/them/their does align with grammar rules, even when referring to a single individual, so it doesn’t diminish your writing quality. 

2. Remove Culturally Insensitive Words

Certain descriptors can be culturally insensitive. For example, saying you’re looking for a “guru,” “sherpa,” or “ninja” may be off-putting – if not outright offensive – to professionals from some backgrounds or those who are culturally aware.  

It’s usually best to remove any of those references from your job descriptions. Even alternative descriptors like “rock star” aren’t ideal, as some may lean heavily masculine or feminine in connotation, which makes your job description less inclusive.  

Instead, stick with traditional job titles. They are straightforward and neutral, as well as informative, making them the ideal approach. 

3. Pare Down Your Must-Have List

Having a lengthy must-have skills or experience list doesn’t necessarily help you find the best candidate. Many candidates, especially women and some minority groups, won’t apply unless they have all of what you’re looking for, even if they could potentially thrive in the role. This leads to a dramatically smaller talent pool that’s less diverse.  

Limit your must-haves list to just the skills and experience the candidate genuinely needs on day one. If there are any capabilities you’re willing to train, place them on the nice-to-have list or remove it from the requirements entirely. That way, more candidates will be attracted to your job description, giving you a deeper talent pool brimming with professionals with potential.  

Ultimately, the small adjustments above can help you turn any job description into a more inclusive one. Usually, you can complete all of those changes in mere minutes, allowing you to cultivate a diverse talent pool quickly and efficiently.  

We Can Help Your Team with Diversity & Inclusivity

If you would like to learn more about creating inclusive job descriptions that can boost diversity in your candidate pool and workplace, the skilled team at VincentBenjamin can help. Contact us to speak with one of our recruitment specialists today and see how our hiring expertise can benefit you.  

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