4 Ways to Enhance Your Skills (Without Spending a Fortune)
Vincent Benjamin

On the job training is a great benefit and will help your career long term, but should you rely on your employer to provide you with the education you need to advance your career? While you’re working you may want to spend some time learning new things on your own to enhance your current job and make your experience more marketable in the future. Here are some small ways you can build your career skills on your own without a big financial investment.

  1. Read, read, read. Nothing has replaced good, old-fashioned books for the best place to start gaining new knowledge. Whether you prefer the hard-cover editions or eBooks, you can find titles that will help you learn new things. To enhance your soft skills read books on communications and time management. To increase your experience choose books in your specific industry written by thought leaders.
  2. Listen to podcasts. Another great tool that is available to the 21st century professional is podcasts. These on-demand radio shows really took off in the early 2000s. You can find a variety of podcasts from great names in any industry so it is worth checking out. You can listen to them in your car during your commute and maximize that time on the road.
  3. Join an organization. Professional organizations in your area are also a great source of new information. They will often host seminars and speakers. You may also connect with a mentor who can help you boost your skills one-on-one. Choose a trade organization that best suits your experience. Your employer may already be a member and will be happy to pass on the membership to you in exchange for your attendance and feedback.
  4. Free internet classes. Did you know that you can take free classes online from universities like Harvard and MIT? Check out their websites to see what they are offering online in the coming months. If you want to learn coding, Codecademy is the best source for free, online learning. Open Culture offers free online classes in a variety of subjects including business, computer science, and engineering.

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