7 Ways Managers Can Prevent Employee Burnout
Vincent Benjamin

Employee burnout is one of the top issues with retention and productivity in the office. As a manager you’ve probably noticed some of the signs of burnout but you may not have known what to do about it. There is good news! You can help your team bounce back from career burnout before you lose them. Here are 7 ways you can help prevent it that you can start doing today.

  1. Talk to them about it. The first step is to engage your employee to determine why they feel this way. Sometimes simply talking about it can start the ball rolling back in the right direction and your employee will appreciate your concern for their wellbeing.
  2. Give some personal time off. A day, a week, or even a sabbatical can help some employees recharge and renew their energy. It will help you and them to evaluate their position and determine what they really want professionally.
  3. Teach them something new. Often, burnout happens because your employee feels stuck. If you teach them and trust them with something new within your company you can continue to engage them. Don’t forget to keep challenging your best employees.
  4. Refocus on enjoyment. It is also helpful for you to better understand what it is that your employee likes about their job. How can you refocus their duties to be more in line with their genuine interests?
  5. Evaluate the social support. Maybe burnout isn’t just related to their job. Maybe they are having trouble communicating to others on their team or getting along with coworkers. Even at work we need social support to help get us through the day.
  6. Create work/life balance. Is their work-related stress actually coming from a different place in their lives? If someone is having trouble balancing their home responsibilities it can be reflected in their work quality so help them learn to manage both better.
  7. Know when to let go. Finally, there may come a time when the difficult decision needs to be made. An employee may decide to leave for another opportunity and it is important that you accept their resignation with grace. Congratulate them and keep in touch.

How have you helped your team avoid burnout on the job? We want to hear from you so contact VincentBenjamin today! We have offices in Phoenix, Denver, LA and Orange County.  

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