Deck the Halls with Distraction: Staying Productive During the Holidays
Vincent Benjamin

The holidays are a difficult time for many employees. Stress levels are up, engagement levels are down. It’s the end of the year and some employees, and even managers, use this time to take a step back and reassess the year behind and plan for the one ahead. Procrastination is a popular work avoidance method and when so many distractions are all around it is easy to push things aside to do later. In spite of all this, the work is still there. Rather than avoiding work, use this time of year to focus on some things that get ignored the rest of the year. Here are some ways to stop procrastinating and stay focused this holiday season.

  1. Stay organized. The first step to avoid procrastination is to keep your workspace and your calendar organized. The trick here is not to use organization as a procrastination tool. Don’t spend so much time on organization that you avoid doing anything else. But if you make sure that your space is organized it will be easier for you to accomplish your regular tasks.
  2. Bring holiday snacks to share. It is easy to get distracted by the celebrations of the season. Going out to eat for an extended holiday lunch means that work back in the office isn’t getting done. Instead, celebrate the holiday by bringing snacks into the office. This way you can motivate yourself to work with the reward of cookies or candies without having to leave your office.
  3. Make a to-do list and prioritize. The single best way to ensure that you complete everything that needs to get done in a specific time frame is to write it down. Create a to-do list and then prioritize the items so the most complex are completed first leaving you with the easiest ones to cross off later. This will not only give you the tools to complete your daily tasks when you’re not feeling like sitting at your desk, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Set the mood. Finally, there is nothing wrong with setting the mode with a little holiday cheer. Turn on the holiday music and Jingle Bell Rock your way to the end of the day. If everyone in the office is open to it, blast that music and get your blood pumping. If anyone is a scrooge you can always resort to headphones and have your own private holiday dance party while you work.

Do you want other ideas for staying focused during the holiday season? Call VincentBenjamin today!

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