Improve Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace
Vincent Benjamin

Diversity in the workplace provides companies with a range of benefits. With more perspectives, innovation and creativity can thrive, creating opportunities for gains that may otherwise be missed.

However, diversity alone isn’t enough. Inclusion is also a crucial part of the equation, ensuring that professionals from all walks of life feel welcome and supported, both personally and professionally.

Many companies struggle with diversity and inclusion in the workplace. If you want to improve yours, here are some tips that can help.

Adopt a Broader Mindset

When companies work to improve inclusion, they typically focus on work-related concerns, like staff meeting participation. However, a broader mindset is necessary if you want to create real change.

Inclusion isn’t just about feeling welcome while performing work tasks; it’s about feeling welcome in all aspects of the experience. Employees want the ability to be their whole selves during the day, whether they are at their workstation, in the breakroom, or anywhere else.

Spend time reflecting on how your employees spend all of their time at work. Then, look for opportunities to introduce inclusion throughout that experience. That way, you won’t overlook important parts of their day where inclusion may be lacking, ensuring you can provide a better environment across the board.

Support Diversity at Every Level

If you want to improve diversity and cultivate a more inclusive environment, having leadership teams that represent a wide range of people is a must. This gives more employees role models and makes them feel represented. Additionally, it increases the odds that members of your leadership team will be able to help on your inclusion journey, as they each have unique perspectives on the matter.

Welcome Constructive Discourse

When you want to promote inclusion, welcoming constructive discourse is essential. Every employee needs to feel that they can express themselves during discussions, even if their perspective is unique or their viewpoint differs from those of others.

Additionally, employees need to be able to engage with each other in respectful ways. Constructive discourse involves not being reactionary. Instead, those participating in the conversation need to give all that is shared genuine consideration, allowing them to understand the person’s position even if it differs from their own.

With constructive discourse, people can talk about differences while remaining professional and effective. Often, the process can be quite enlightening, introducing team members to ideas that they may have missed otherwise and giving them a better understanding of others in the world.

Respect Everyone’s Needs at Gatherings

Many companies host employee appreciation events or throw birthday parties to recognize staff members. However, not all of those occasions take different employees’ needs into account.

Many people have dietary or beverage restrictions, and there is a good chance that a significant percentage of your workforce avoids certain foods and drinks. If your offerings don’t align with their requirements, some of your employees may not be able to enjoy the festivities fully.

Additionally, not all people are comfortable with being the center of attention or giving speeches. By making them come up on stage and say a few words to accept an award, you’re making what should be a happy occasion very difficult for them, diminishing the impact of the recognition.

Those are just two examples of how people’s differences need to be accounted for in gatherings. Knowing that those differences exist, you can make appropriate adjustments. That way, the event can be fun for everyone.

Ultimately, all of the tips above can improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace. If you would like to learn more about steps you can take, the team at VB can help. Contact us today.

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