Interview Question Curveballs: Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job?
Vincent Benjamin

Last week we discussed the question “Why are you searching for a new job?” In a similar vein, you may be asked the question, “Why are you leaving your current job?” Just like with any curveball interview question there are better ways to answer than others, even if all of the potential answers are true. Before you enter your next interviewing situation consider these ideas for expressing why you are leaving your current job.

  • Don’t complain. They say that most people don’t quit a job, they quit their boss. You may simply not get along with your manager, the entire executive team, or your coworkers. Of course, this means you are looking for a company that is a much better fit with your personality and core values. However, it is a huge red flag for the hiring manager to hear a candidate say that they are leaving a job because they are unhappy with their boss. Instead, keep all of your answers positive and about your career goals, not your coworkers.
  • Emphasis growth. You may be unhappy with the amount of money you’re making or the lack of upward mobility at your company. These are fine reasons to be looking for a new job. The key is to frame them in a way that doesn’t make you sound like someone who will jump ship at the first sign of difficulty. Let them know you’re looking to take your career to the next level or that you are interested in a new challenge. It is okay to say that the company is moving in a direction that is not in line with your long term goals.
  • Express interest. Lastly, you want to make sure that the hiring manager or interviewer knows that the reason you are in their office is because you are genuinely interested in their specific opportunity. Don’t make this job transition all about you. Let them know why you specifically want to work with their organization. Research ahead of time and learn about the company culture and long term plans. Match these to your personal goals to describe an ideal working situation for both you and the new employer.

Why do you want to leave your current position? VincentBenjamin can help you focus your job search and find the right opportunity in IT or Accounting! We have recruiting teams located in Phoenix, Orange County, Los Angeles or Denver

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