Is the Traditional Job Interview Dead?
Vincent Benjamin

Most companies rely heavily on a traditional interview process. After screening candidate resumes, they invite the top contenders for a conversation, allowing the hiring managers to ask questions and learn more about a job seeker’s capabilities. 

However, this approach isn’t always ideal. A surprising 81 percent of candidates lie at some point during their interview, skewing an aspect of their capabilities, often in a way that makes them appear more capable than they may actually be. 

When that occurs, the odds of a bad hire go up dramatically. If a hiring manager ignores red flags or skips any part of the vetting process, they may not realize they’ve been deceived until the new hire is failing to meet expectations on the job. 

Luckily, much of this can be overcome. However, it requires abandoning the tried-and-true interview methods of yesterday for something new: the job audition. If you want to know why the job audition is a better choice, here’s a look at what it has to offer. 

What Is a Job Audition? 

A job audition is scaled back form of a working interview. Instead of asking candidates about their capabilities, top contenders for the position get a chance to demonstrate their relevant skills. 

Typically, they are presented with real-world scenarios or common job tasks, which serve as functional tests. The candidate then has a set amount of time to handle the request, using the same kinds of skills and tools they’d put to work on if they were in the role. 

Why a Job Audition is a Better Choice 

A job audition relies on “showing,” not “telling.” While candidates may be able to showcase themselves in the best light, or claim they have capabilities that they don’t, during a traditional interview, that isn’t necessarily possible during a job audition. 

For a job seeker to excel, they actually have to have the right skills. It simulates the work experience directly, allowing hiring managers to see candidates in action in a relevant way. 

Additionally, it can even be effective for gauging culture fit. Candidates can be asked to work with other job seekers, current team members, or even the hiring manager directly. This makes it easier to assess a candidate’s personality and certain soft skills, making it simpler to identify stronger culture fits. 

How to Integrate Job Auditions into Your Hiring Process 

There are a few approaches to integrating job auditions into your hiring process. If you want to deploy quick evaluations, you could schedule candidates just as you would for traditional interviews, either solo or in groups. Instead of answering questions, the difference would be that they’ll be taking part in relevant activities. 

However, if you want a more in-depth experience, that is also an option. By partnering with a recruitment agency like Vincent Benjamin, you can use a temp-to-hire approach for identifying the ideal candidate. When you find a top contender, you can bring them into your workplace on a non-permanent basis. Should they ultimately prove to be an excellent fit for the job, you can then extend a job offer, bringing them onto your team. 

However, if they don’t meet your expectations, you can simply release the candidate from the temp role. You can then bring in another top contender and repeat the process, allowing you to make sure that you only bring on a right-fit candidate onto your permanent team. 

Contact Us Today to Learn More

If you are looking for temp-to-hire or job audition solutions, the team at VB wants to hear from you. Contact us to learn about our services and see how our candidate screening expertise can benefit you. 



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