Top 5 Accounting Jobs to Watch in 2015
Vincent Benjamin

Are you in the market for your next accounting job? The future looks bright for finance professionals so keep up the hard work in 2015 and you’ll find yourself with the career you’ve always wanted. What are the hottest jobs for accountants this year? Here is a quick guide to help you focus your search and improve your skills.

  • Staff Accountant: This role is generally the accounting backbone of a company and it can be one of the steps along the way to becoming a CFO. Staff accountants will be responsible for all financial compiling, reconciling, and reporting all of the company’s financial information. They deal with laws and ensure that the organization remain financially compliant.
  • Internal Auditor: An internal auditor, depending on the size of the company, will be responsible for ensuring compliance of certain aspects of financial regulations. Much of the audit process revolves around documentation and ensuring the company not only has the right processes in place but that they will continue to conduct business with financial consistency.
  • External Auditor: An external auditor provides a very similar service but is not employed directly by the company. They may work for a firm that specializes in business audits or they may be a contractor hired by the project. Your choice between the two roles will primarily depend on the type of position you’re looking for.
  • Compliance Manager: In case you haven’t noticed a theme with many of the top accounting jobs, compliance is a key issue. A compliance manager is someone who remains up to date on all the latest regulations and ensures that they are met by the organization. A compliance manager becomes involved in the business at all levels but focuses on the financial regulations the company is responsible for keeping.
  • Tax Accountant: Not surprisingly, a tax accountant is also concerned with regulations but in this case specifically revolving around the tax implications of a company’s business. A tax accountant is typically a contractor who comes into a company to work with them on their quarterly or annual taxes to ensure that the proper money is paid and procedures are being met.

Are you in the market for a new accounting job? VincentBenjamin is currently hiring for accounting and finance positions in Arizona, Colorado, and California so call today!

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