Do You Have What It Takes to Become a Financial Planner?
Vincent Benjamin

Ask seasoned financial planners what they think about their career choice and they are likely to tell you that it is satisfying and rewarding. If you’re about to graduate college or looking to refocus your financial career, you may wish to explore the world of financial planning. Here are some tips you can use today to help you make the decision to start your career off on the right foot.

  • Are you motivated by people or numbers? There are really two kinds of financial planners: those who work for firms and are never customer facing and those who work with their customers directly. Either is a valid career path but it is important that you understand what you like the most about a financial planning career before you start interviewing for jobs. If not, you may find yourself in a position that isn’t suited to your personality.
  • Recognize the scam and MLM businesses. Scams exist everywhere but for some reason the financial planning services sector is ripe with them. It is critical that you can determine the difference between a legitimate financial planning company and one that preys on their employees to advance their multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme. Ask them about sourcing for their customer base and if their respond is “start with your friends and family” it is time to walk away. You should never feel uncomfortable with a company’s business practices when you accept a job.
  • Do you need certifications? Almost every financial planner has a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in accounting or economics, but that isn’t essential. Others will pursue additional certifications to give themselves legitimacy within the industry and to develop additional resume builders. Certifications are a great investment for your career as a financial planner if you don’t have the matching degree. Contact the continuing education resources in your town or look online.

Are you interested in a career in financial planning? VincentBenjamin is hiring for jobs in Arizona, Colorado, and California and can help you today!

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