New Year, New Goals: Making a Career Change in 2016
Vincent Benjamin

Does the New Year mean a new career? For many people, the transition into 2016 will kick start them on a path to find a new job, or just improve the one they have. So what kinds of new career resolutions can you make this year? And, more importantly, how can you be sure to keep them. Without further ado, here are 10 resolutions to consider in the New Year and what you can do to make them happen.

  1. Learn something new. Whether you want to stay in your job or find something different for 2016, take classes online or in your community to learn a new skill or enhance what you know.
  2. Get out and network. In spite of everyone’s fears, networking is still the best way to find out about new opportunities in your field or area. Challenge yourself to get out and meet others.
  3. Utilize social media. While face-to-face networking is important, social media is changing the way we communicate. Do you use Twitter or Facebook to enhance your personal branding?
  4. Engage more at work. The people you work with are as important as what you do in your job. Don’t let yourself become distant from the office culture. Socialize, but not too much.
  5. Ask for new responsibilities. Sometimes job dissatisfaction comes from the feeling of stagnation. Change that by asking your boss to help you take on new tasks.
  6. Improve your work/life balance. If stress is your biggest concern, try to find better ways to balance your time between your job and your home life. Disconnect once you’re home.
  7. Evaluate your finances. Money can be a big motivator. Have you looked at websites like to see where you are in terms of the average for your field?
  8. Update your resume. Whether you’re looking for a job or not, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not keeping their resume continuously updated. Pull it out and dust it off.
  9. Be open to unexpected opportunities. It may not happen often, but sometimes opportunities find you. Be willing to explore these new things.
  10. Embrace change. Lastly, while change can be scary it can also be the agent to finding more career satisfaction in the New Year.

So how you can achieve these things? Making and keeping a resolution is not always. But, if you break it down into easy steps you can achieve anything this year. Set yourself a clear goal, determine the individual tasks that can help you reach it, and challenge yourself with deadlines.

Do you want to make a major career change in 2016? VincentBenjamin has an expert group of IT recruiters as well as Accounting & Finance recruiters that can help you find your next position. 

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